Monday, August 11, 2014

Road Trip Part 2

Goodbye Washington!!! Hello Idaho!

So note to self...don't try to stay in Core D Alene right before the Ironman!!! The place was packed and obviously we had a little bit of difficulty finding a place to all worked out but still...that was a bit of an adventure!

I won't get tired of looking at this mug! Here he is working his magic with his phone to find us a place to stay for the night!

Ben was admiring this wooden boat...and we had a nice little chat with it's owner.
Back in to town we found a little place called, Crickets and they had the most amazing artichoke pesto pizza!! A quirky and eclectic place and I fell in love with the brass elephant bar accents!

We woke up and took a beautiful little hike to stretch our legs before hitting the road again. So glad I captured this shot!

Hello Montana...I hope this isn't a preview of the weather forecast for the remainder of our drive...

I'm starting to be intrigued by older, abandoned or decaying this old rusty railroad structure indicates...

We stopped off in Deer Lodge Montana later in the afternoon after seeing a roadside billboard advertising that the Montana Auto Museum was located there...We decided that we would see it the first thing the next morning... As you can imagine Ben was like a little kid the night before Christmas.

Located within the Old Montana Sate Prison Museum, there were some gems to be sure.

There were about 150 or so cars ranging from muscle cars, old military jeeps, Ford's, Chevrolet's and more located in this little museum. Deere Lodge Montana...who knew! There was even a raffle for what I believe was a classic 1966 Mustang, white convertible with red pin-striping going on. My finger's are still crossed for the drawing in December!

Ben was in his happy place walking through this collection to say the least.

Back on the least until lunchtime!!!


A quick fuel stop for petrol and more importantly FOOD!
This little Pickle Barrel Sandwich Shop in Bozeman hit the spot!

Hello cows!

Montana has such beautiful scenery...We are going to take a slight detour to head to Yellowstone National Park for a stop Wyoming! 

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