Sunday, August 17, 2014

31 Days of Praise: Day 17

I am reading one of my favorite daily devotionals called, "31 Days of Praise: Enjoying God Anew" . It's a months worth of short daily readings that are all designed and worded to praise God through various circumstances and scenarios. This book continuously helps me to start or end my day on a correct and God centered mindset. It is a book that I read over and over again.

Today's reading really hit home for me...being new to this Louisiana area, being called away from my comfort zones that I established for myself in Washington. There are the obvious comfort zones such as the physical (house, career, friends, hobbies) but God has been using this opportunity to reveal that I was in a spiritual comfort zone back in Washington...and not in a good way...more of a complacent picture comes to mind...ironic because I take great effort not to be complacent in my life. Humble pie moment anyone?!?!

Strip away those comfort zones...feel out of your element...because it is when you are stripped bare, emotionally, physically, and financially, that God is able to really work in your life...He is able to be given the credit as it is due for His hand over your life. You are able to better focus and devote your time and energy to Him...and your are more willing and open to follow His plan and purpose for your life.

When a reading really speaks to me I find that there is great power in speaking it out loud...claiming that truth and power over your life. It makes the words come alive in my heart and allows me to make a stand and commit to my faith that much more... You might try it if you haven't.

So for today's reading (pages 76-77):

Day 17:

"Thank You that You have me in the place You want me just now...that even if I got here through wrong choices or indifference or even rebellion, yet You knew my mistakes and sins before I ever existed, and You worked them into Your plan to draw me to Yourself, to mold and bless me, and to bless others through me. Thank You that, even if I'm here through the ill-will or poor judgment of other people, all is well; for in Your sovereign wisdom You are at work to bring about good results from all those past decisions, those past events beyond my control-good results both for me and for others. Thank You again that You meant for good the terrible things that happened to Joseph, who was sold into slavery, exiled to a distant country, and later sent to prison on false accusations...and that through all this You had him in the right place at the right time, for highly important reasons. I'm glad, Lord, that You are the same today-well able to work things out for us, to turn evil into good. I stand amazed at the complexity and mystery of Your wisdom. How safe it is for me to trust Your reasons for acting (or not acting) and Your methods of working!

Thank You that I can safely commit my location and situation to You. I can "be willing for You to shift me anywhere on life's checkerboard, or bury me anywhere in lives garden, gladly yielding myself for You to please Yourself with, anywhere and anyway You choose" (source unknown). Thank You that I can trust You with my future places-ready to go, ready to stay.

"Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and unfathomable His ways!" ~ Romans 11:33

1 comment:

  1. Love you and your open heart to hear His still small voice... You are a treasure, Holly friend <3
