Thursday, May 17, 2012

Oxygen 2012

Last week I attended an amazing Women’s Conference! I debated back and forth about whether to attend or not and I didn’t decide to go until about a week or so beforehand. Recently I had been feeling as if I was going through a very dry spiritual time…nothing I did seemed to be able to shake this “desert place” that I found myself in over the last several weeks. As it turns out, going to Oxygen was one of the best decisions that I could have made to break through this spiritual battle. There were so many messages that really seemed to be hitting home for me and that related to the “here and now” of my life. What an uplifting way to lead into a weekend of breakthroughs. There is something so encouraging about being surrounded by such a diverse group of likeminded "W.I.L.D" women!

Throughout these two days the word “Confidence” kept jumping out at me, tugging at my heart and especially during the last night of worship with the song, “The Everlasting God” based on the 27th Psalm where part of the lyrics/chorus are, “I will remain, confident in this, I will see the goodness of the Lord” . I realized that I need to focus on where my confidence stands in God. He ALWAYS has my best interest at heart and I can be confident and trusting that God is using everything that is happening (Or at time when I feel like certain things are not happening) in my life, is being used for my betterment and benefit.
The first evening was a general session in the main auditorium Champion Centre with worship and an amazing motivational speaker Holly Furtick who talked about the “Waiting Room” of your life. She had such a good message and I found out that she has her own blog that I now love! (Check it out at

The second night started of with an aerialist and worship and then we broke out into smaller more life specific groups (for the married woman, women over 50, the hard-working women etc.). Once again, completely inspirational! One of the many messages/thoughts that I took away from the small group session was that, “It’s okay to say no to good things in life so that you are able to say yes to and have room for big/incredible things to happen in your life”

(Hahaha, yes I did intentionally choose the "Confidence" sign)

AAAAhhhh! I can’t get over how amazing these two evenings were and I can’t wait for next year!!!
Registration is already open for Oxygen 2013!!! You can sign up at:

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