Wednesday, May 23, 2012

N"oat" to Self

It's that time again...I got another hankering for a spiced up version of oatmeal...I was browsing through some old magazines that I had laying around and came across the original recipe for the idea of "Overhal[ling] Your Oatmeal". It came from Women's Health (and my favorite) magazine. Rather than putting my own spin on it I decided to (pretty much) follow the recipe as it was written in this article.

For one portion you will need:
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 egg
1/2-1 cup spinach - chopped
1/2 cup oats - (regular or quick cooking either is fine it will just change the length of your cooking time)
reduced fat cheese of your choice (I used a blend this time but Swiss Cheese is also very tasty)
In a small pot heat 1 Cup of water (for the oatmeal) and in a small skillet put in a little olive oil and heat. 
When the water begins to boil add the oatmeal, and reduce heat stirring as needed.
As the oatmeal is cooking, chop the spinach into desired sized pieces and add the egg to the heated and oiled skillet.
When the oatmeal is almost finished cooking, add the spinach and cook for another minute or so and remove from heat. Once the egg is cooked to your preference (I like mine over-easy) place it on top of your cooked oatmeal/spinach combo. I put mine in a tupperware container and took mine to work for the morning.
Mmmmm Cheessyyyy!!!

Ha ha! Staying on that positive note, I came across two quotes/sayings that have been very thought provoking and motivational! The first one I came across was at the Oxygen 2012 Women's Conference (see previous post) and I fell in love with it!  
It is just so motivational and captures a lot of how I want to live my life... I like this quote so much that I'm thinking of painting/making my own that will color coordinate with my living room or bedroom (I can't decide which yet!) and I ended up setting this image as my cell phone wallpaper/background!

This second quote by Charles R. Swindoll is just so true! Hope that it brings some light into your life as it did mine. Enjoy!

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