Tuesday, February 9, 2016

The Lord is My Provider, Jehova Jireh

The Lord is My Provider Jehovah Jireh, The Lord is 
My Shepherd, Jehovah Roji

Excitement is building and I feel like a little kid on the night of Christmas Eve. So much excitement building and growing in my heart that I am almost to overflowing. Do you remember the excitement of the night before Christmas? So many butterflies they threatened to keep you up and delay the magic of waking up to Christmas day! We are about to move into what will be our new home (for who knows how long). After over a month and a half of not knowing where we would be going, after house searches that ended in disappointments, learning neighborhoods in the surrounding community and having to choose faith and live my faith and choose to trust in God’s provision…after stumbling and struggling to hold on that trust and put my faith into action, clinging on to hope.  And it is so! The knowledge that God faithfully has been provided for us again. He gave us temporary housing and opened doors to more long term housing as we needed it. It was uncomfortable not knowing yes but what an opportunity to let God’s unfailing faithfulness shine.

(Please excuse the tilted angle...lol I was driving and trying to keep my eyes on the road)

God is more than aware of our needs, more so than we even are for ourselves, and thank goodness!

Matt 6:26, 31-32 rings true. Be anxious about nothing! He provides for the littlest of creatures why would he forget you?

He cares enough about the smallest of creatures, the seeming insignificant and even the unknown, so imagine and believe how much MORE our Lord cares for you!

Luke 12:24 "Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn;

yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds!

I’m ready to set up house. It has been SOOOO liberating living minimalistically for the last two months. One suitcase, one box of art supplies, one box of kitchen essentials during this transitional housing time. There has been such freedom in having less, being less distracted by it, less time spent cleaning and maintaining our house/household goods. More time to be still and look out over the lake, wake-up to sunrises and the scenery of our new neighborhood…sipping coffee slowly, opening my heart more and more, allowing less stuff in my life has allowed more room to hear my Father God. I am anxious to begin to unpack because I have an insatiable urge to purge. I want to maintain this listening room as I unpack boxes and set up house in the upcoming weeks. I want to continue to hear Him, commune daily through prayer and quiet time with Him, finding Him in the quiet, searching for Him in His Word and finding Him.

How is your listening room? What can you purge to create a listening room and space in your heart?

Little did I know that the Lord would open up a home right down the street from this little vacation rental cabin up on the hill that Ben and I have been enjoying. This little house has become dear to our hearts and we will always refer to it as the honeymoon cabin. The two of us have come to realize just how much of a vacation relocating to this area has felt like. We had to move shortly after our wedding so we weren’t able to officially go anywhere. We had to begin all of the preparation to move thousands of miles across country. This will be the 2nd move in two years and we might be moving a third time as well…that is also up in the air. This travel and transition time has been an opportunity for Ben and me to draw

closer to each other, closer to God and closer to each other through God and developing a Christ-centered marriage. I am so incredibly grateful for the work He is doing in our lives. 
I will miss our little cabin but am ready to settle in to unpacking and settling into our new lives together. It's time to start consolidating and joining our two household items...I have the crazy urge to purge some of our household goods and hopefully this motivation lasts.

And now the joys of packing, cleaning and unpacking...The movers are coming in a few days! Ahhhhh!

Well wish us luck and I hope that some of these thoughts have encouraged you. I pray that you have a blessed week!

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