Wednesday, January 13, 2016

365 days, 365 sketches

365 days, 365 drawings, 365 days of pen, graphite or brush to paper. Doodles, ideas and pictures captured in exhausted moments of haste, other days filled with careful unhurried ease giving these pictures the time they desired. A year filled with days of loving to sketch a picture a day and other days where I simply tolerated this idea, trudging forward on others. I staying on top of the daily task for many of those days and I would spending a weekend catching up on others. 365 reasons to smile as I flip through a year later and gaze upon these wrinkled and worn pages... 

Grace was needed throughout this journey. Trying so hard not to have too many expectations or rules other than that there needed to be put down for every day.
A goal that when I started I was unsure of if I was capable of much ahead of little behind, but as one drawing became two and pages filled, thickened watercolor warped pages behind, clean, crisp and new pages waiting for me ahead...looking at how far I had come helped me to continue forward, drawing after drawing, page after page.


 A visual diary of one significant moment of that day that I felt needed capturing.
And now, I have this beautiful visual diary capturing some of the most significant moments of my life in a way that is so personal. I will cherish this journey. It has taken me over a week to even feel the urge to put ideas and pictures in my head and translate them to paper... Perhaps I needed the rest, to take the time to enjoy this achievement and goal completion before hastily attempting another goal...the time needed as a right of passage. Giving respect to the time taken and the time I am beginning. Time...what a glorious gift.

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