Thursday, October 30, 2014

Chocolate banana oat treats

I can tell it's Autumn because I have been feeling a growing need to get my bake on...that and the cravings for chai spiced hot beverages and just about anything pumpkin flavored which have hit me full force. But can I just say for the record, what in the heck happened to summer??? Fall is upon us and Halloween is TOMORROW!!! Yikes!

As the weather begins to lower my need to increase the temperature in my kitchen is justified...Lately I have found myself very motivated to try some of the recipes that I have been finding on Pinterest! Yes, I am a fan of Pinterest, and you don't need to judge me because I am totally judging myself enough for the both of us....Anyway, I began to get a little annoyed with myself in that I don't want to just dream about experiencing the things that I pin...instead I am actually attempting to do them...especially when it comes to the mouthwatering recipes that I have come across!

One occurrence that I am extremely annoyed by is letting food go to waste... food being thrown away is literally money going down the drain...or in this case being thrown in the garbage. There is no excuse for this waste and because of this, I am often trying to find recipes that help to get rid of fresh produce before they get past their prime...

In this case I needed to get rid of some bananas and wanted a wholesome and healthier sweet treat.

I found and followed the recipe from The Simple Veganista that would allow me to avoid flour, additional sugars/sweeteners, eggs (since I was out and didn't feel like going to the store) and bananas. I am delighted to say that it is such a simple, quick and easy recipe!

 You will need the following 4 ingredients...yes you heard me right, only FOUR ingredients!

2-3 ripe bananas (the riper the better!)
1 Cup of rolled oats
2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 cup of dark chocolate baking chips
Optional: 1-2 tsp vanilla!

 Mix all ingredients into a bowl, then place about 1 1/2 ish Tbsp sized dollop on your cookie sheets. They won't spread out when baking so make sure you press them down a bit and shape them with your spoons.
 Yum!!! They already look good enough to eat!

 Ready for the oven! Bake them for about 15 minutes at 350 degrees F.

 The perfect snack for a hard working student!

 A little almond milk to go along with it and his tummy was a happy camper. These would be perfect for breakfast too...if I could get them to last that long!

Nom nom!
You can find more recipes that I have tried and recommend by clicking here. To view the rest of my boards click here and enjoy!

Happy snacking!

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