Monday, May 5, 2014

Press On!!!

Lots of good scripture reads over the last several days...Last week one of my favorite verses arrived in my e-mail (I even have it posted in my car). Although this verse has spoken to me in many different ways over the years...upon reading the commentary by Dave Whitehead, this scripture  once again spoke to my heart on a whole new level.
Posted: 28 Apr 2014 09:15 PM PDT
I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. All of us, then, who are mature should take such a view of things. And if on some point you think differently, that too God will make clear to you.
– Philippians 3:14-15 (NIV)
Today’s commentary
by Dave Whitehead, Senior Pastor,

Christian maturity is not a life of apathy. If we expect to grow in our faith we must keep pressing heavenward, no matter what our age. In other words, if your Christian walk is best described in the past tense of memories your growth is stunted. Yet in our quest for maturity, we often make the mistake of thinking we need some new or exciting revelation to grow, but the Scripture places a much greater value on living in the light of what we already know.

"Living in the light of what we already know"... Pursue Him and trust in Him with ALL of your heart, "In all of your ways acknowledge Him [another translation uses the word, "submit "to Him] and He will direct your paths"- Proverbs 3:5-6 He will make it clear what you have to do...and I have found time and time again that He reveals this through me peace about decisions is often times how I know which decision to make. Do not mistake that with this peace means that He has called for you to walk an easy might get very rocky, very steep, but I do believe that anything worth having requires effort. Pressing on, means pushing ourselves past what we believe we are (and most often these limits are self-established) capable of...and to go beyond any limits that we have placed upon ourselves. How often is it that we restrict ourselves from accomplishing all that God has called and made us capable to do?

I love using the physical/athletic analogy for this... So let's use the example of muscle. I'm sure you are familiar with the saying "if you don't use it you lose it". You can't build anything strong without first tearing down the old muscle...making room and a foundation for healthier stronger muscles to grow and be replaced. This however requires strain and force...friction and resistance...and ultimately is a process. It isn't instantaneous but rather reinforced and repeated behavior and actions that then transforms into muscle memory.

With freedom comes responsibility...a responsibility to maintain a disciplined life. Freedom is anything but free...ironic as that sounds, but it's takes time, effort and energy. You get back what you put in...or "reap what you sow" is another very familiar verse/saying that you might also be familiar with. You have to eliminate or put up boundaries to unhealthy choices...and through establishing these "limits" and maintaining a disciplined life ultimately gives your more freedoms in the long run.
"Whatever you do, work at it with all of your heart" (Colossians 3:23). Regardless of the outcome or situation you can take pride in your work and effort and I don't think I can remember a time when putting forth my best work/effort hasn't paid off or taken me down a bad road, but rather it has opened more doors than I sometimes knew what to do with.
Now it's time to practice what I just preach...It's time for me to get back on the working out a bit more...I have slacked off and although I have been trying to maintain my spiritual and mental physical well being has been put on the back burner for longer than I want to admit... I'm going to change treadmill is calling my time...time to turn up the heat and PRESS ON!!! 


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