Thursday, March 13, 2014

For the love of cars! at Deluxe Customs

Here are some photos from my recent trip with Ben to pick up his 67' VW Fastback which is being restored. We arrived at Deluxe Customs in Tempe, Arizona and watched Ben as he saw his "Little Blue" be unveiled...literally like seeing a kid on Christmas.
We were warmly welcomed by all staff of Deluxe Customs, their work on this little vehicle was...stunning...immaculate and above and beyond.
 Matt talked with Ben about every aspect of this project, showing him in detail the work that was completed... but truly and I know Ben will back me up on this...the work speaks for itself.
 I was given free reign in their shop to take pictures to my hearts content...what an incredible opportunity to try and capture the moment, the atmosphere and the fun of this day.
 I can only hope that my pictures captured snapshots of this awesome day.
 Tools of the trade.
 Parts and other automobiles in various states of restoration at the shop.

 One of my favorite pictures from this session...I fell in love with this old rusted car hood.

 Ben and the full cast and crew of Deluxe Customs.
 Wheeling her outside to be loaded into the trailer.
 She's seeing the light for the first time since her paint job!

 I'm pretty sure she's smiling!

Thank you so much to all of the crew at Deluxe Customs for taking such care and pride in your work. Check out more of their work by following the link (You might see a picture or two of mine too!)

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