Friday, November 15, 2013

Oh That Goodwill

Like I have mentioned before...sometimes you go to the Goodwill/Salvation Army or whatever your local thrift/secondhand store is and you find absolutely nothing...and then other days you find everything all at once!
A pattern in my size!!! I always love the vintage look and drawings on older patterns

I found a matching set of 8 (although I only bought 6 for lack of cupboard space) yellow rimmed bowls and some adorable sandwich plates that I couldn't resist picking up! Each bowl and plate ranged from $0.59-under a dollar each! I also picked up a few blue trimmed dinner plates since I only had two dinner plates to my name...when I put them away at home they were almost identical (only slightly larger but same color and depth)!

I found the perfect use for those little plates!!!
The Christmas Spirit has hit me earlier than usual this season and I found a beautiful, virtually pristine condition vinyl record of Julie Andrews singing Christmas carols!!!

 This adorable game, "Guess How Much I Love You"...not only is the name cute but it is all bunnified, and then a set of old ABC flashcards that I fell in love with! Love the look and drawings!
This fabulous windbreaker...yes this is a "selfie" shot...but what's a girl gonna do!
As Ben would say, "Jackpot!"

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