Tuesday, July 23, 2013

A Birthday Song To The Tone Of "A"

Happy Birthday to meeee!!! I feel so loved! Thank you everyone for the beautiful cards and wishes that I received for my recent (Ahem! Cough, Cough) 20 something birthday!!!

I have been on the lookout for a beautiful sounding wind chime for my back patio...I found one that I love but it turns out it didn't really make much of a sound...but it was still cute so I thought I would make the most of it, not to mention that it was a fun experience hunting for and finding it while out and about with my aunt.

Well you can imagine my delight when a packaged arrived in time for my birthday from my Benjamin!!!
It actually arrived 4 days early and I managed to wait 2 days until Ben told me that I could open it!
Based on this packaging I still wasn't familiar with this company so the contents were still very much a mystery until I opened the box.

What an amazing present!!! Ben told me that he got the idea to find a chime after our recent visit to his parents house, where his mom has a very large sized chime by this company that I was so entranced by.

No wonder he was asking what other colors (besides yellow) are my favorite...sneaky sneaky this one is! But I love it when people surprise me because I usually catch wind of it beforehand.

He picked out a beautiful teal color for me that sings to the beautifully hand tuned tone of "A". I love how the light is hitting it (can you tell how much I love this thoughtful present?!?)!

Isn't it beautiful?!?!?!?
(Oooh look! You can see how well my raised garden beds are doing in the background...I will post about that later!).

Later that evening my dad treated me to the Jasmin Mongolian Grill for dinner and then we went and saw the Great Gatsby! Excellent film, stunning cinematography and stylistic approaches. I was surprised of the way that the soundtrack is used throughout the film...hard to hear actually during the movie. It was a bit disappointing since the soundtrack was the initial motivator for me to go see the movie...but make no mistake, I still really enjoyed the film once I got used to this aspect.
Music From Baz Luhrmann's Film The Great Gatsby (Deluxe ) [Explicit]
Anyway both were brilliantly done!!!

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