Tuesday, May 28, 2013

"Sew" much going on!

This last week and weekend was a whirlwind filled with sewing projects, painting, auditions for Tacoma Musical Playhouse (TMP) (Cross your fingers for me!!!), emergency trips to the veterinarian and urgent care for friends, acrobalance rehearsal and faire/character preparation for Folk Life up in Seattle!!!

I'm on the flier for Faire!!!!! We were passing out hundreds of these this weekend!

 Ishka and Lumi, all set to go!
 Lumi and Brishen...admiring our green and burgundy color scheme
Yep, Lumi couldn't resist the temptation to sit and try her hand at/on the Iron Throne from the show "Game of Thrones", she even showed a bit of *gasp* ankle!

 Faire folk taking a Kodak moment also known as "Flemish painting".

I have finally decided on my skirt colors and have begun the process of cutting out the yards upon yards of fabric and sewing my tiers. I am determined to have this finished in time for Faire!!!
Well I broke my first needle on my sewing machine...snapped the needle into three parts! Yikes...all because of that last darn/green tier. I might have to break out my serger to get through the thickness of the green fabric...

My Fabulous Find? An adorable pair of leopard pumps for...drum roll....$10, brand spankin' new!

After a morning bike ride with fabulous friends down along the Foothills trail in Orting...(I have to say that those "scattered showers" that the weatherman forecast was complete bollocks! It was a steady and fairly heavy rain the entire time...my body was so numb by the end of the ride that I could barely stand when I got off of my bike to start loading it into my car! Good thing I brought towels! Haha! )

ANYWAY to get back on track, I tried my hand at Looming!!! 
I am in love with it! I finished it in the time it took to watch two movies..."About a Boy" and "Love Actually" both with Hugh Grant playing in the background...It is much fun!!! I have a book that shows some of the basics but also shows some really adorable patterns for so many things such as house slippers, scarves, several different types of hats, cowl necks, bags and much more. I'm going to have to get some more yarn because of course I want to try many of these projects!

You can see the loom, left over yarn and tools still on my couch.

Smile!!! There is the instruction book still open after I read how finish my little hat. I'm so happy with it!

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