Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Hit the Road part 1

I cannot begin to express how blessed I am. While I did spend countless hours prepping not only mentally but the obvious physical aspect, the packing up of my house couldn't have gone smoother. There were definitely times when finding the motivation to finish packing efficiently was hard to find and living in a house that is in various states of disarray definitely had its physical, emotional and mental taxation, but I am so happy that I took to time needed to ensure the least amount of damage would occur to my belongings.

The two rooms that had the most boxes were obviously my craft/art room and my kitchen! Yikes what a mess organized chaos looks and feels like!

Two tips that I found to be SO useful (Thank you Pinterest!): Buy brown paper lunch bags (available at most dollar stores) which you place your glasses in mugs in and push the tops of the bag into the opening of the glass! Huge time saver and there is no ink so you don't have to rewash anything after unpacking!

The second was to purchase disposable styrofoam plates and bowls (again available at most dollar stores). These you place between your plates and bowls and they absorb a ton of shock, they help to keep your dish ware from shifting and they don't add to the weight of the box!! BRILLIANT!

I had three strapping men help to load the moving van and it was the perfect amount. Two to bring furniture and boxes out from the house and one to organize and load the truck.

I can't thank you enough John, Alex and Ben! I really couldn't have done it without you in the time frame that you achieved! We are talking in about three hours, my entire house was loaded into a 16 foot Budget truck. A lifetime in such a small space...a little surreal.

It was overcast and cool the majority of the morning and about as soon as we were locking the truck up, the sun came out in full force! The timing couldn't have been more perfect! So glad we avoided the SPF and melting under those rays.

I treated the boys to lunch at one of my favorite sandwich shops called MSM (Magical Sandwich Maker's) Deli and their name is more than appropriate. They makes the most amazing sandwiches in the area and the meal wouldn't be complete without their magical cookies!

I had fun using my panorama camera mode on my phone!!! I love these guys!

Words will never do justice to how appreciative and blessed I am to have such amazing and generous people in my life. John and Robin let us crash at their place that same evening and sent us off with two bags of road trip treats! 

Driving through the Snoqualmie pass!
It was such a delight to watch Ben's reactions to seeing a different part of Washington for the first time! He was definitely a fan!

 Cows!!! About to pass the junction to Yakima!

A quick break close to the Gorge in Eastern WA...I'm a little windblown as you can see! haha but the weather was amazing!

The beautiful Mustang monument. So stunning...It took our breath away. Not sure if you can see the scale of these beautiful sculptures in comparison to the little person all the way to the right (after the last horse).

Next stop Idaho!