Thursday, June 6, 2013

Bargain finds!

Oh the Goodwill...I have learned that patience is the key with second hand stores...and patience definitely paid off this most recent trip.

One of the most important tips that I can give you is that you need to understand and accept that on some visits you will not find a darn thing...and that's OKAY!!! Walk out of there knowing that you still have your money and know that eventually you will hit the jackpot. I have found that it comes in either find everything that you had put in the back of your mind...or nothing at all. It is important to not purchase items just because they are "there" in front of you or pick up an item "just because", otherwise you might find yourself in a very cluttered home or taking back a box of your own to donate back to a Goodwill or thrift store..

So on this trip...What did I find?

1. A brand new exercise top with the tags still on it
2. A dressy tank top with a pretty design
3. A book for a friend (future present)
4. A wine rack
5. A kitchen rug/mat
6. A BEAUTIFUL sundress!!!

My total for said purchases came to a little over...wait for it... $22.00!!!!

I have been looking for a little rug for my kitchen for ages but didn't feel like paying $20 for a nice quality/cute one...

This rug was originally marked for $7.99 but it was a pink tag item so it was half off...I can handle that $4.00 price.
A tip...only shop for whatever colored tag/deal day it is. Unless the item you want is a decent price...this way when you find your item it is either 1/2 off an already reduced price or $.99!

Two tops that were also pink tag sales around $3 to $4 each

I finally found my wine rack!!!! Nothing that a little bit of Sharpie can't help fix!!!

I used two shades of Sharpie and look at how the dinged corner looks brand new! This wine rack was the most expensive of my purchases totalling about $6 "Gasp" I know it wasn't a pink tag item but I have been looking for ages for wine rack so sometimes you do have to grab an item when you finally come across the perfect one!

Finally to THE sundress!!! I loved the dress, it is from American was yet again a pink item sale.

The one thing that I didn't like was the straps. They were supposed to tie or knot but I hated the look of the extra straps hanging down and just looking awkward so...I decided to fix that issue because again for $4.00 I can afford to make an alteration!

 I decided to just twist the two straps around each other and secure/sew them.
 I'm surprised that I could focus as this happened around 1:45 AM this morning...Hey, I was inspired what can I say!
The finished product I think looks much more polished.

The finished product!

I highly recommend bringing or finding your hand sanitizer as you will be browsing through dusty and sometimes not so clean items and don't forget to wash or clean EVERYTHING that you do end up purchasing!!!

Happy hunting!