Monday, June 25, 2012

"Smash Book" It!

(First of all I would like to apologize, as I was having computer issues that wouldn't allow me to upload pictures or save my blog work! Hopefully it is now resolved!)
It's time to get your SMASH on!!!

What is a SMASH book you might ask? Basically, it is a book that you use to place all of  those little pieces of paper, tags, cards, stickers, labels, lists etc. that end up piling up around your house because you can't bare to throw them out but don't really know what to do with them. I have the best intentions to stay organized and I do a pretty good job EXCEPT with little items particularly little bits and scraps of papers...before I know it I have multiple piles all over my house, on my counters, in drawers and boxes, on my bedroom floor...all are items that are special to me, that inspire me or that I want/need to remember but don't really have a place for.

What a "Smashing" idea right?!?! I love this idea and how there are no rules as to what you choose to include or how you want to attach it! The only limits are the ones that you put on yourself! The important part is to have fun with it and enjoy the creative process!

Example: Below is a collection of black pen/ink doodles that I loved and couldn't bear to throw away. In the bottom right corner you can see a little watercolor idea that I ended up liking and in the upper right corner is a picture sent to me that I liked (on the back it is asking me to donate to the cause of wildlife preservation)

I used a hardbound book for my SMASH book but you can use a note book, spiral bound, three ring binder, accordion, handmade or anything else you would like.

I have been collaging and scrap booking for years but it never occurred to me (until recently) that I could use the two together...until now!!!

You can glue, you can tape, staple, sticker or sew...the sky is the limit!!!

Pictures and quotes that inspire, challenge and remind, notes and cards...

To find more pictures, ideas and examples of this SMASH Book idea (click the link) or look it up on the K&C Company's website. They also have brand name products that you can use that are VERY cute! I have purchased a few of the mini themed note pads, tape and a few other products.

and here is an adorable video that gives you a more visual idea of what/how a smash book can be used

With all that said and done, the remember that the most important thing to let yourself go/be free and... HAVE FUN!!!