Monday, January 30, 2012

Life Changers

It is so hard to believe that the end of January 2012 is almost here! A new year is such an amazing opportunity to look back and reflect upon lessons learned and memories made as well as being able to look and move forward full of hope and optimism for all that the New Year has in store.

I have been blessed, often overwhelmingly so!!! I have finished two amazing books recently that have truly touched, challenged and forever changed my life. The first is “A Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are” by Ann Voskamp

(her blog can be found at: A book that you can read cover to cover or break down for more of a daily study guide if you feel so inclined. I will continue to re-read this book to help remind me of living in the present moment (after all isn’t that what present means? A gift?), living in the here and now because that is all we can do anyway...while we can plan for tomorrow as best as we can, we can’t get there any sooner; the same goes with the past…we can’t go back we can only focus on today and being in each moment that we are given.

The second and most recent book was, “Kisses from Katie: A Story of Relentless Love and Redemption” by Katie Davis and Beth Clark. This is the true story of Katie Davis and her journey and eventual calling that began at 19 years old when she went to a little orphanage in Uganda. As time unfolded so did her love for the children and people of Uganda. She moved to Uganda, began a nonprofit ministry and eventually felt called to adopt and become the mother of 13 daughters. Davis shows how one life filled with love and a desire to help those in need has the ability impact the lives of thousands; basically debunking out the mindset and question of “I’m just one person/what difference can one person make?”. Being without many of the conveniences that “Western culture” often takes for granted, Davis’s life is a constant reminder of seeing, acknowledging and being thankful for the blessings that materialize on any given day and that that no matter how great or small, they are all blessings none the less. For more information Her blog can be found at : and Amazima Ministries:

Is it ironic that I randomly happened upon both of these books when I did and that they both are about being thankful/grateful and content with where you are right now? I think not…although I believe in coincidence I also believe in what I like to call “divine nudges”. My three words for this year are: Contentment, Discipline and being “Present “and all three of these words were reinforced by these books.

I find it hard to believe that your life/heart and the way you see the world will not be affected, challenged and positively changed after reading both of these books!